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Mountaintop Strategies Corp.

Mountaintop Strategies Rising Sun Logo

Technology Management Consulting.

Done Differently.

Full Stack Digital Transformation




Value Management.

Change Management.

We design and manage the execution of fully integrated digital strategies that reduce risk and accelerate the delivery of business value:

  • Value Acceleration and Management

  • Decision Architecture Mapping

  • Ecosystem Definition and Stakeholder Identification

  • Comprehensive Requirements Definition

  • Metrics-Driven Status and Progress Reporting

  • Risk-Based Operational Readiness Validation 

Our Services & Solutions

Mountaintop Strategies Operational Diagnostic Service

Operational Diagnostics

Mountaintop Strategies Research & Discovery Service

Research & Discovery

Mountaintop Strategies Ideation Service


Mountaintop Strategies Concept & Prototyping Service

Concept, Prototyping & User Testing

Mountaintop Strategies Build & Deployment Management Service

Build & Deployment Management


You're accountable for IT investments delivering business value. 

Ask yourself:

  • Do your projects deliver the expected business value?

  • Do your business partners get impatient waiting for new features?

  • Is planning and replanning consuming time and budget without any benefit?

  • Are you frequently blind-sided by delays and cost overruns?

  • Do you have difficulty managing key vendors and deliverables?

  • Are you often surprised by missed and late requirements and additional scope?

  • Does getting the true status of the project feel like an easter egg hunt?

  • Is deploying to production a nerve-racking act of faith?

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